Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013


Name :

Class :


I. Choose Either A, B, C, Or D For The Correct Answer.
1.     Which are not included generic structure of Recount text?
a.    Orientation
b.    Event
c.    Complication
d.    Reorientation
2.    Reno    : Jess, what do you think of Coboy  Junior?
Jessy : ….. Coboy  Junior is the most popular boy band in Jakarta
a.    I think
b.    Agreement
c.    Dislike
d.    It was
Question 3 To 4 Are Based On The Following Text !!
Kevin   : where are you going to spend your holiday?
Fariz   : in Batu, near Malang, East Java.
Kevin   : why are you going to spend the holiday there?
Fariz   : it is not as crowded as Jakarta and Surabaya. The weather is rather cold at night.
Kevin   : do you like quite places?
Fariz   : yes, I do
Kevin   : so do I
3.    Kevin   : so do I.
What Kevin  says is a statement which show a/an…, to the affirmative statement before.
a.    Disagreement
b.    Agreement
c.    Sympathy
d.    Dislike
4.    Is Jakarta crowded?
a.    Perhaps
b.    Maybe
c.    No, it isn’t
d.    Yes, it is 
Question 5 To 7 Are Based On The Following Text !!

My Best Friend
My name is Ary. Three years ago when I was in junior high school, I met two people that later became my best friends. The first one was Eric. He was an athlete for our school. He was tall and muscular. The other one was Ricky. He was a very diligent student. He liked to read the encyclopedia and he the ranked first in my class.
I liked them both because they were very friendly to other people. Even though Eric and Ricky were very famous in our school, they were not arrogant. They made friends with anybody including me.

5.    When did Ary meet his best friend?
a.    Yesterday
b.    Last week
c.    Two years ago
d.    Three years ago
6.    Who were Ary’s best friends?
a.    Andi and Eric
b.    Eric and Putra
c.    Ricky and Eric
d.    Sigit and Ricky
7.    Why did Ary like Eric and Ricky?
a.    Because were famous
b.    Because were smart
c.    Because were arrogant
d.    Because were very friendly to other people
8.    I didn’t want to go to the zoo yesterday because it …..
a.    Was raining
b.    Were raining
c.    Rain
d.    Rains
9.    It was beautiful day when we ….. for a walk in the park yesterday.
a.    Go
b.    Went
c.    Goes
d.    Going
10.  Rina     : Do you agree if I message him ?
Santi   : yes, of course
The italicized word is an expression of …..
a.    Request
b.    Permission
c.    Agreement
d.    Invitation


1.     Lila            : Sat, what do you think of Kuta beach?
Satria       : ……… Kuta beach is the most beautiful beach in Bali.
Complete the dialog above using the correct expression.
2.    Mention the generic structure of Narrative text
3.    What is the purpose of the Narrative text?

Find The Kind Of Expressions That Showed By The Italicised Sentences:
4.    Eki             : Can you help me, close the door, please??
Bagus        : sure glad to help
5.    Nurre        : What’s your opinion about  Laskar Pelangi by Adrea Hirata
Febi           : I think the film was very good.


Selasa, 04 September 2012


Berikut ini contoh naskah drama singkat berbahasa Inggris, cocok untuk rekan-rekan yang mendapat tugas dari sekolah or campus. Tapi maafin yee kalo bahasanya kurang pas,hehehe *maklum masih belajar bahasa Inggris :-)
Yuuuu simak yaaaa,,,,,,dan semoga bermanfaat :)


LIA is multi talented girl and honesty
TRIE is Lia's close friend
IIK is rich girl,beautiful but arrogant and jealousy

SCENE I ( In class room )

NARATTOR : Lia seems so confused and anxious,she opened her bag and looking for something , Iik  comes to the class and asks to Lia
IIK     : "Hey Lia,,,,what's up ,,!!

LIA    : "Hmmm,,, ( confusing )

IIK     : "Heeyy tell me, why you looks so serious ??? "

LIA    : "You know,, I lost my wallet and there was some amount of 1 million which I have to pay my college tuition fee,I can't tell to my dad about it because he wil angry at me,,, what I have to do ??

IIK     : ( Closer to Lia and whisper her eyes ) " You won't believe it,but I saw wallet similiar to yours in Trie's bag. But I can't say that's yours ."

LIA    : "Hmmm,,,is that really ? "

IIK     : "Yeah,,but i can't say that's yours,to make it sure we can open Trie's bag. "

NARATTOR : They planed to open Trie's bag ,everyone is out side including Trie.

LIA     : "Ok..we can open Trie's bag,but you must call her firstly ."

NARATTOR : Iik calls Trie.They  entered to class and closed to Lia.

IIK      : "Trie,I have to open your bag,,! "

TRIE   : " Wait,,what's the matter with my bag,, ! What's wrong ? "

NARATTOR : Without talking anything Iik opened Trie's bag and showed the wallet to her.

IIK      : "Trie,,is it yours ? "

TRIE   : "Noooo,,it is not mine,,why this wallet in my bag ? "

LIA    : "Hmmmm,,let me see,,OMG !! This is mine,why in your bag Trie ??  I'll complain to our lecture ! "

IIK      : "Please calm down Lia, don't tell for principal about it to anyone. "

LIA     : "No,,I will tell to Mr.Hendy ! I can't accept it "

TRIE  : "Lia,,I don't know anything about it,by God I didn't steal your wallet. Please ,it's impossible that I did it to you,we are close friend !! "

IIK     : "Think two time before taking action,don't break your friendship just because of wallet. Trie is not your enemy,she is your close friend . "

LIA    : ( think deeply, put her hand and touch her head )

              " Hmmm..okay I won't to talk to Mr.Handy. But Trie,,, now let me alone .!"

TRIE  : ( put Lia's hand ) 
             "Lia trus me... it is not my fault,, it's jus misuderstanding ,"

LIA    : "I said ,, leave me alone !!"

IIK     : "Good choice girl ,,,, really you took intellectual decision."
                      ( go away from Lia )


NARATTOR : Big bells is ringing,, it 's mean all class is over and all students about to back home . Trie pick her bag and try to close to Lia and asks her to go home.

TRIE   : "Lia,, let's go home,,
 Lia,, please talk to me ,,!! I'm your friend ,,! OK, you can hate me, but oneday you will know that I'm in right side , I go home now,,see you ,,"

NARATTOR : Lia has not say anything to Trie, and she moves home alone. On the way to home, she is thinking a lot about Trie. What a bitch she is,, Lia bits her lips.

LIA    : "With the money everybody gets change,including my best friend ,, OMG ! I can't believe it."

NARATTOR : Day after day passed. But Lia and Trie have not talking each other yet.And now Iik going closer to Lia and become her friend.While Trie was still sad and depressed.People and others friend start to talk about their friendship.What happened with their friendship,but Lia used to say that Trie is changing don't want to talk to her anymore. 
One day when Lia and Trie on the way to supermarket ,Lia's phone is ringing.

LIA    : "Hello,,,yes I'm Lia,,whaaattt ??? It's impossible,I don't believe it. Daddy is good man!
( through her phone and crying )

IIK     : "Heeyy,,what happen ?

LIA    : "Police calls me that daddy is coruptor and police take him out of office now."

IIK     : "Ouch,,I so sorry to hear it,be patient please, I hope everything will be alright ."

LIA    : "Thanks for your support. "

NARATTOR : Suddenly Lia falls unconscious. Iik shocked to see her and don't know what to do.But accidentally Trie see them and comes to help Lia. They bring Lia to go home.

TRIE   : "What the matter with Lia ? "

IIK      : "I don't know,,it happened suddenly after she got call from the police. It's about her Dad."

NARATTOR :  Lia opened her eyes,and get up slowly,,and then shocked to see there is Trie beside her.

LIA     : "Hey you !! why are you here ?? Go away from me ! I wont to see you here !"

TRIE   : "Lia,,I saw you unconscious on the way and I help you,nothing more !"

IIK      : ( break in when Lia talk ) . " Hey wait,,,I want to tell you something,it's about the wallet."

LIA     : "What ??? my wallet ? "

IIK     : "Yeah,, I so sorry ,actually who kept your wallet in Trie's bag is me. Because I got jealous with your friendship.You and Trie had the great friendship,and you know that actually I wanna be your friend too.But I don't know how to tell you about it. That's why I did it to you. Lia,,Trie please forgive me,I really really sorry for it. "

LIA    : " So,,it's not you that had stolen my wallet ? Trie I'm sorry and it's mean our friendship is always be forever till the end of our life. "
TRIE   : "Certainly,,and Iik,would you like to joint us if you don't mind ? "

IIK      : "Okaaayy,,that's what I wanna be ! "

NARATTOR : Finally,,Lia,Trie and Iik become best friends. Their friendship is going on and nobody can break down their friendship till the end of their friendship. 




Semut adalah salah satu binatang yang Allah ciptakan dengan badan yang kecil dan nampak lemah, tapi jika kita perhatikan, banyak sekali pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil dari binatang kecil ini.

Semut mampu mengangkat makanan (remah2 kue, gula, dll) yang beratnya jauh melebihi berat badan mereka sendiri, Allah memberikan kekuatan di balik tubuh mungil sang semut.

Semut selalu menyapa teman-temannya ketika bertemu, bekerja secara gotong royong dan tidak rakus,ketika menemukan makanan, ia akan memanggil teman-temannya untuk bersama-sama membawa makanan itu ke sarang mereka.
Tidak ada semut yang malas-malasan.semut-semut itu bekerja dengan giat, setiap hari, mengumpulkan makanan untuk sang ratu dan koloni mereka tanpa kenal lelah.

sebagai semut, mereka tahu bagaimana hidup dalam bersama dalam komunitasnya. Setiap semut paham akan tugas dan perannya masing masing. Mereka menjalankan tugasnya dengan setia. Mereka tidak perlu dipaksa dan tidak perlu diawasi.

Mereka memiliki disiplin yang tinggi.Tiap-tiap semut akan melakukan tugasnya dengan sukarela dan sungguh-sungguh. Yang satu tidak iri dengan yang lain. Selain rajin, semut adalah binatang yang memiliki integritas tinggi Mereka menyadari ada waktu untuk mengumpulkan dan bekerja serta ada waktu untuk beristirahat. 

Ketika masa untuk bekerja datang, mereka akan menggunakannya untuk mengumpulkan bekal makanan. tak satupun dari mereka yang berusaha mencuri waktu untuk bersantai dan bersenang-senang.

Ketika musim dingin tiba, mereka akan dapat beristirahat di dalam sarangnya yang hangat, semua beristirahat, tidak ada yang bekerja. Mereka makan dan minum, berpesta sambil menanti datangnya musim semi.

" Maha suci Allah, sang pencipta semut,,,,,,,,"

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Ni old song but gue lagi demen banget ma nih lagu,,so gue posting di sini lyrics nya,moga yang lain juga seneng ma lagu ini :)

[Jessie J]
Seems like everybody's got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the sale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious?
Acting so damn mysterious?
You got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We'll pay them with love tonight...

It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag

Ain't about the (ha) Chi-Chang Chi-Chang.
Ain't about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

[Jessie J]
We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all UNITE!
And it wasn't low blows and video Hoes,
Am I the only one getting... tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling alright



Yeah yeah
Well, keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six strings, and a half stack
And you can, can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I, yes all I need
Are keys and guitars
And guess what, in 30 seconds
I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaving across
These undefeatable odds
It's like this man
You can't put a price on a life
We do this for the love
So we fight and sacrifice
Every night
So we ain't gonna stumble and fall
Waiting to see a sign of defeat
Uh uh
So we gonna keep everyone
Moving their feet
So bring back the beat
And then everyone sing
It's not about the money

[Chorus x2]

[Jessie J ‒ Outro]
Yeah yeah
Forget about the price tag,,


Rabu, 25 April 2012


Hi guys,,,

Postingan saya berikut ini adalah salah satu cara untuk menambah " English Vocabulary " kita . So ayo simak baik -baik :)
Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris memang susah susah gampang apa lagi kalau kita miskin kosakata,so ada satu cara menarik yang mungkin bisa kalian tiru untuk menambah vocabulary kalian. Salah satu contoh yang menarik adalah dengan membuat suatu  " Cerita Gila " , Nah, caranya begini :
Hubungkan kata-kata yang ada dengan cara-cara yang lucu ,misalnya

Shoe                    Taxi                        Flower                        Chair
Piano                    Books                    Basketball                  Jump
Tree                     Driver                     Door                           Dance
Pencil                  Dog                        Television                   Computer
Bird                     Pizza                       Spoons                      Stone

Kita bisa menghubungkan kata-kata diatas menjadi sebuah cerita yang menarik ,eg :
" There is a piano wearing shoes and climbing a tree.The tree is strenge because someone has stuck a giant pencil through it.On the pencil a bird is sitting and watching a taxi full of people reading books.Even the driver is reading a book which is bad because he isn't paying attention to driving.So,he hit a dog that is eating a pizza in the midle of the road and kills it.He notice that there is a door in the dog's grave and open it.No one is watching the television because they are all watching the chair.Why ?? Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing stone at the computer "

Dari contoh di atas kalian bisa mencoba membuat cerita yang lebih gila lagi,,hehe dan semoga dengan cara seperti ini English Vocabulary kita bisa bertambah ,,,

So Let's to try it ,,,, !!!

Minggu, 22 April 2012

" I Trust You "

Blog ini terlahir karena aku tertarik dengan blog teman-teman ku ,,sering membuka blog orang lain dan membaca isinya membuat aku terinspirasi untuk membuat nya pula,,Aku hanya berfikir kalau orang lain bisa kenapa aku tidak mencoba ? so mulailah aku mencoba untuk membuat nya ,,

Semoga next blog ini bisa berkembang dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain,,Amin